Monday, July 9, 2012

Bone Appeteat

Far be it from me to poke fun at any Europeans' English.  With the exception of the German-speaking countries, nowhere is the locals' English worse than my abilities in their own language.  This, however, couldn't keep us from a smile or two (alright - also some belly laughs) when recently reviewing the English-language menu kindly provided to us at a small tapas bar in Seville, Spain.

It all started with: "Clouds of Chicken" .  We've all seen clouds with shapes that remind us other things, but fowl?  And on my plate?
Then we had: "Muffled Shrimp".  Makes sense to me: if there's anything I hate it's a loud-mouthed little guy.
This was quickly followed by: "Mussles to the Garlic".  And, right behind: "Eggplant to the Oven".  What is this - a menu order, or some twisted Hitler Army order?
Up until this point, all seemed well.  I'm sure I could have enjoyed any of these unpredictable meals.  But the final entree remained, I'm afraid, off limits: "Cream of Scum". 
It was about at this point that we asked where the nearest McDonalds was...

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