Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bud in Belgium??

I had long believed that Anheuser-Busch, thank goodness, had not attempted to export its "beer" to Belgium. That would be much worse than carrying coals to Newcastle; it would be more like carrying Taco Bell to Guadalajara or Pizza Hut to Florence.
Now, if they did try to sneak some Bud Lite into the country, odds are good they'd have to invent a new name, in a crafty ploy to trick savvy Belgians.
Shockingly, I've just discovered a beer, supposedly from a brewery in the southeast corner of Belgium, that might just be A-B's plot to foist its "malted beverages" onto the Belgian public.
How do I know this? It's all in the name, my friends: I think there must be some truth-in-advertising law here. If this isn't a front for Bud Lite, then I don't know what is. Check out the label and you'll see what I mean. If you can't see it too well, the name follows, below.

That's right. It's "Pissenlit" ! Never a truer word was spoken...

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