Quick - what's the most famous crosswalk in the world?
Say what? What sort of a question is that, you ask.
But if I give you a single-word clue, you'll have it instantly.
The clue: Beatles.
Now you guessed it: the famous crosswalk on Abbey Road, just in front of the studio where the Beatles did most of their later recordings.
Today's it the most famous and photographed set of "zebra stripes" in the world. Oh, what a pain it must be to live and drive in this area, constantly having to watch out for stupid tourists (present company excluded) ever so slowly walking across the street, always from west to east, never paying enough attention to oncoming cars...which are always coming from the wrong direction! All just to get their photo taken, in some vain attempt to look and/or feel like the Fab Four. The small white building in the background, by the way, is the actual recording studio.
I sure am glad I'm not that much of a stupid tourist to ever do such a trite, silly thing...
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