Saturday, August 28, 2010

Village of Variety

In the States, my experience has generally been that in any city or town you'll have the ritzy sections, and the more run-down, or much older sections. Near our house in Maryland the trend is to cut down all the trees and build rows of McMansions, all ridiculously priced. But a mile or two away it's a much less affluent feel. There, like most places in the U.S., the two are usually separated and one can easily tell which area one is in. Not so here in Waterloo. It's amazing to me how the "neighborhood" changes, almost from house to house. Our town is considered very up-scale by Belgian standards. As such, there are plenty of small mansions and other gorgeous homes. But, within a minute's walk you also find a very different sort of house. They are mixed together here and, within no more than 150 yds., you can go from mini-mansion to cute-and-quaint to Yikes! See for yourself.

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