Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fun With Language

I was recently chatting about parenthood with a German buddy and asked what the German word or phrase for "the birds and the bees" was. I figured it was either a phrase like "the wild boars and the honeysuckle of spring by a clear brook," or a single word of about 30 letters (the Germans, unlike the French, just love long words). As it turns out, I was wrong on both counts: it is a single word, and one of only 10 letters. The word is "Aufklaerung." (The "ae" is actually an umlauted a - you know, the a with the two dots over it).
But what is far more interesting than the word itself are its 3 primary definitions:
1) military reconnaissance
2) the Enlightenment (as in, European history)
3) the birds and the bees.
Try as I may, I just can't find a very solid nexus between even two of these, let alone all three. Have fun coming up with your own!

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