Friday, March 12, 2010

Police Investigate Newest Criminals: ---holes!

That's right: the Potholes of Belgium are gaining such repute that the local police are now involved! Sure, there may be robbers, muggers, and thieves on the loose, but when was the last time one of those perps ever burst your tire or shattered your windshield? That's what the potholes (I think a more apt word might now be "potpits"; that's how large they're becoming) are doing, and you hear of more cases every day. I had to have my windshield repaired thanks to a couple of rocks thrown by a truck ahead of me, passing through the Valley of Doom, near the Waterloo exit off the main highway. One of Lucie's coworkers actually burst a tire passing through one of these not-so-grand canyons. Last week I saw the cops taking appropriate steps to insure that these criminal potholes are brought to justice: they were stopped on the highway, taking photos of several of the most egregious chasms. Now if that doesn't fix the problem I don't know what will! Why spend taxpayers' Euros to actually fill in the holes correctly when you can instead just take photos of them? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and I've got at least that many ready (most are unrepeatable), should any Belgian authority ask my views on how well they maintain their highways...

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