Monday, March 29, 2010

Other Than That, Mrs. Lincoln...

You've heard the old joke: the day after Lincoln's assassination at Ford's Theatre, someone asks Mary Todd Lincoln, "So, other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"
You could say the same thing about our trip last week to Barcelona: "Other than that, how did you like the city?" You see, we were the victims of a clever pickpocket (I say clever, because that makes him look smart, rather than me look gullible and stupid). Our otherwise great trip to a marvelous city was rather dampened when my wallet got lifted, lightening me by around $600, a couple of credit cards, drivers license, ID cards, etc., etc. And, as is usually the case, it really was all my fault as the pickpocketing victim, falling for a trick where the thief pretended to assist us after a "bird" did "his thing" on our shoulders and shirts. He offered to help us clean up and, while I was distracted taking the goop out of Lucie's hair (it seems, after the fact, to have been some watered-down chocolate!), he managed to part me from my wallet. How dumb can I be? Here I was, on alert for pickpockets in all the crowded areas, like subways and buses, never dreaming that I'd fall victim on a quiet residential street. There really is one born every day. I'm getting over it now...slowly.
As for Barcelona, what a great place. I'll post some pictures tomorrow, right after I check my pants pockets to make sure nothing is missing.

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