Saturday, December 19, 2009

Try to Top This One!

Everybody, everywhere has his own story of the coldest winter, the hottest chili, and the worst traffic jam. Everybody swears their story is the best and the most extreme. Lucie is more than willing to take you on, as far as worst traffic jam, thanks to a dusting of snow here on Tuesday.
Robb needed to take the train to Brussels to attend a concert, so Lucie left our house around 4:45 PM to drive the 3 miles to the Waterloo station. By this time about 4 inches of snow was on the ground, but it was nearly done. To say that she was headed out on the Voyage of Doom is to understate the situation.
Just how bad was the traffic? Her total elapsed driving time, covering all of those 6 miles to and from the station, was just under 6 (that's right - 6) hours! It was a horrific combination of: too many fools without a clue how to drive in even the best of conditions, but don't put even try to put them to the test in precipitation; the ridiculous right-of-way rules, where any and EVERY car coming out of any and EVERY street on the right has right-of-way over EVERY other car on the larger, main road; the complete lack of road courtesy seen all too often here; and, finally, I guess every person in the country happening to want to pass through Waterloo that evening.
The headline in the Brussels paper screamed, "3 Flakes of Snow; 510 Kilometers of Traffic Jam!" The first half might be a bit of a joke, but the second part is absolutely accurate, and that equates to over 300 miles of back-up! In a country the size of Maryland. You do the math.
Anyone care to try to top Lucie's "the worst traffic I ever saw" story? I didn't think so...

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