Saturday, October 31, 2009

Extremely Relaxed Dining

"Fast food" here in Belgium means ordering, eating, and paying, all in just under 3 hours. That's hardly an exaggeration. We think that Belgians consider this a sign of high-class culture, spending what seems like the better part of a week just trying to consume a single meal. Case in point: we recently visited a nice Chinese restaurant here in Waterloo. Being early diners, we were literally the first folks in the establishment right after they opened at 6:30. By the time we had ordered we were still the only non-Chinese in sight. Drinks came about 25 minutes later and the appetizer about 30 minutes after that. When the main course arrived (perhaps carried by a sloth, slug or snail), we had already spent two hours in this Gho-Slo Palace. At long last, when we were able to drag the waiter over for us to pay him, it was almost time to break out the Corn Flakes and OJ. Or so it seemed. The bottom line: if you want fast food, look for a Belgian McDonalds - I hear that you can get a Big Mac there in just under 2 hours. But if you prefer a sit-down meal, prepare to remain seated. For a very, very long time.

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