Thursday, February 23, 2012

Death at a Funeral

As I recall, that was the name of two Hollywood movies, released within a couple of years of each other.  Maybe it's true that life is a reflection of art: here's a recent news article that is nothing if not a bit odd.It also goes to prove that you can turn just about anything into a statistic.
It was announced in a Flanders newspaper that during the month of January three elderly people died while attending funeral services (I'm guessing not each other's).  As the article concludes, "One victim, aged 75, was overcome shortly after carrying the casket into the church."  Hell, I'm nowhere near 75, but I think if I tried to sling a coffin (fully loaded, no less) onto my back and haul it into a church, maybe I too would keel over.  One obvious thought here: what the *&^%#$ is a 75 year-old doing, carrying anything larger than, say, a box of All Bran cereal?

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