Friday, August 19, 2011

A Storm For the Record Books

Yesterday afternoon's freak storm was the stuff they write about in books.  At least 5 attendees were killed at an outdoor concert about an hour east of here, as tents, scaffolding, and nearly everything else that wasn't somehow welded to solid earth went flying.  I've never seen anything like it in my 13+ years in Europe.  About 3 inches of rain fell in under an hour.
At 4PM it was nothing more than cloudy.  By 5PM it was torrential rain, with hail the size of large peas bouncing all over the trampoline out back.  I could look out the upstairs window and see the house next door...any nothing beyond it.  An hour later it seemed to be all over, but just one hour after that it was back again.  If they ever got tornados in western Europe, this would have been the time for one.
Just two days ago the weather forecast was for a week of sunny weather so Mr. Dumb here spent the $13 to get his car washed (the first time in months, thanks to our dismal early summer).  Not a wise move...

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