Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tongue Twister? Or Phenomenal Art?!?

Many, many years ago, when I was a camper at Kennolyn Camp in the redwoods of California, we were taught a tongue twister revolving around a single word: Piccolomini. The game was to say the word over and over, as fast as you could, to a tune which put stresses at different places. We were told this was used by disc jockeys to hone their on-air skills. Little did I know that such a guy actually existed.
Actually, it was a family of very wealthy folks in Tuscan Siena; two went on to become popes.
More importantly, a local painter was asked to celebrate the life of Pope Pius II who was, you guessed it, a Piccolomini.
And celebrate he did! This unbelievable "library" is in a small chapel in the Siena Duomo, with frescoes well over 500 years old. That's 500 years. What was going on in the U.S. back 500 years ago? Gives one pause, as they say.
This may be the most remarkable church art in the world, in a cathedral that arguably is the match of St. Peter's in Rome.
All in a little town, off the beaten path, with about 10 tourists on its streets (we represented 20% of that total)...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Your blog post popped up as a Google alert for the word Kennolyn. Glad to hear you have a strong memory from your time as a Kennolyn camper. We are still here and going strong! Andrew Townsend, Kennolyn Camps.
