Saturday, November 6, 2010

Another Painful Farewell

This time it was Feline Friend of the Family Lily, who at 18+ years finally came to the end of her 9 lives with us. She made it about a year longer than her sister Abby and, in human years, had to be pushing 90. Never the world's friendliest cat, she still was a beloved part of the family, howling and all.
One of our very favorite family moments came all those years ago in Maryland, when kitten Lily and her sister spent about 30 minutes thoroughly destroying a roll of toilet paper in a hallway, all recorded on video for posterity. But her time had clearly come and so we had to sadly say goodbye yesterday. Now she can howl to her heart's content, knowing that her sister, who must be nearby, is so deaf that she won't mind a bit. Goodbye, Lily - we sure do miss you already.

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