Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day in the UK!

What better way to spend the 4th than in the enemy’s capital?!? OK, 220 years later I think we’re all past that now. So, it was fun to spend a marvelous, long, hot day in London; my first visit since 1999; Lucie’s first since 1985. It’s fun to compare and contrast our two countries and cultures and now, having spent about 9 hours in England, I can speak as an authority. So here is our scorecard, based on all this extensive research:
Travel – the train ride was nothing short of wonderful. Just under 2 hours from downtown Brussels to downtown London, on the smoothest set of rails I’ve ever felt. It departed exactly on time and arrived one minute early. It cost about $110 R/T per person, which certainly seems reasonable. When compared with train travel in the U.S. : ADVANTAGE – ENGLAND
Friendliness of big city folks – where in America would you find a subway station employee who not only goes out of his way to give helpful directions, but also sings two songs in praise of America, all for the benefit of these two almost-lost Yank tourists? ADVANTAGE – ENGLAND
Weather – gimme a break; this is London we’re talking about. It shouldn’t even be considered a fair fight. But yesterday it was in the low 80s with almost total sunny skies. The locals were dying of the heat; we were loving it. Just as nice as at home. ADVANTAGE – TIE
Sights – London has a wealth of sights, like every other huge city. Trying to see them all in one day is an effort in futility, but our feet can attest that we almost died trying. But here’s the one downer: admission to St. Paul’s Cathedral (a church…) was 11 pounds (about $20) and Westminster Abbey ran us 15 pounds each (almost $30!!). I think the most expensive museum in all of Washington D.C. is the Spy Museum, which still charges less than half of the Abbey’s price. OK, the sights aren’t quite on an even par, but still, early every major museum in our capital costs nary a farthing, as the Brits might say. ADVANTAGE – USA
Beer – taste, as they say, lies on the tongue of the beholder. While I can appreciate a good British bitter or IPA, on a day as warm as yesterday, a *cold* one would have really hit the spot. 20 years ago, I’d have to say advantage England, but with the true wealth of American microbrews these days… ADVANTAGE – USA
Food – Don’t make me laugh. ADVANTAGE – USA
Great Way to Spend a Great Day – it really doesn’t matter. When you’re with the one you love, sharing beautiful sights and experiences, whether it’s in the UK, US, Belgium, Germany, or Outer Slobovia, who cares? ADVANTAGE – THE TWO OF US.

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