Sunday, June 7, 2009


We've noticed that Germans and Belgians both love to put English words and phrases on t-shirts and sweatshirts. Rarely, if ever, have I seen a bon mot in French, or a cool Witze in German on someone's shirt. Instead, they prefer English. But, you see, it's not the kind of English we'd ever see at home. Sure, they're all words you'd find in a dictionary; it's how they're put together that makes no sense.

An example: a t-shirt with this poignant message, recently seen in Antwerp: "Photographer Naval Conqueror." Now, who can argue with that?
Here's another: "Cleveland Indians: Motorcycle Club OK." I'm with ya!
We like to advertise our alma mater at home; it's not hard to see a sweatshirt with Harvard, Dartmouth, or yes, even Ripon College on it. But how about this one I saw in Germany: "California College"? Maybe it's a small college in California, Ohio, or something...

We'll keep looking for new "classics" to pass on to you...

1 comment:

  1. There is a California State College (or perhaps it is a university by now) in Western Pennsylvania. It's south of Pittsburgh, where I grew up. But I have never heard its name without the word "State" in it.

    Cindy Steinhoff
