Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Earth Moved... Really!

A couple of weeks ago we had a real, live earthquake here in Waterloo! Granted, it was only about a 2.4 on the Richter scale, but Lucie and I certainly felt it at home, about 8:45 at night, as we were sitting watching TV. It felt like a subway running through the basement of the house, lasting about 5 or 6 seconds. Only, the nearest subway is about 10 miles north, in Brussels. Having grown up in California, I said to myself, "That sure felt like an earthquake." But remembering I was living in Europe, I said to myself, "Time to cut back to just one case of beer a night." Sure enough though, the next day Lucie heard on the local French news that we had experienced the Big One. Well, for Belgium it was a Big One. She heard that of all the countries north of the Alps, Belgium gets the most earthquakes. Now there's a good trivia question for your next game night!

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