Thursday, September 30, 2010

We're Not the Only Crazy Ones

It seems that Belgium is learning the American legal system...sadly.
A family living just outside Bruges, 80 miles NW of here, was ordered by a local court to remove a tree house they had constructed for their 5 and 6 year-olds. A neighbor had complained that the "house" (actually, a mere platform less than 4 feet off the ground) represented an invasion of privacy, allowing the kids to look into their windows. Just what was going on in the house that you wouldn't want a little kid to see was evidently not brought out in court. Nor was the logic behind the complaint, whereby the neighbors claimed that the kids were always crying and screaming in their own yard. I guess when they did this on their tiny platform it somehow amplified the sounds, allowing them to pierce the walls of the neighboring house and provide visual images back to the kids of terrible things going on in that neighboring house.
Following in the tried-and-true American tradition, the judge sided with the complainant, threatening to fine the offenders about $150 per day until the platform was removed.
It's nice to know we're not the only legally crazy folks in the world.

Why is This Man Screaming?

Because he lives in Oslo!
You think your city is expensive? No way - I don't care where you live.
This place is expensive, the most expensive place I've ever seen in Europe.
Need proof? A postcard = $1 . Using the bathroom in the train station: $1.75 . A small pizza perhaps big enough for 2, if you've just had a 3-course meal somewhere else: $30 . A good-sized beer: $11.50 . Can I stop now?
Sure it's a pretty place, but who on earth can afford to find out, unless you're here on business.
In any case, it gives me the rare opportunity to get artsy with the camera. To take this picture: $45. No, I'm joking.

Nice Business Trip, Eh?

Lots of trips and not too much else interesting lately. But I did get to spend over a week recently in Ottawa and found myself with all of about 5 free hours in a week. Fortunately, the weather gods were cooperative. It's a nice little capital - it reminds me of Bonn, when it was capital of Germany. Almost seems too small, but that is probably better.